SEA 2025

23rd Symposium on Experimental Algorithms

Venice, Italy, July 22-24, 2025

Call For Papers

SEA aims to attract papers from the Computer Science community, the Operations Research/Mathematical Programming community and any other scientific community that is concerned with the main theme of the symposium, namely the role of experimentation and of algorithm engineering techniques in the design and evaluation of algorithms and data structures.

Submissions should present significant contributions supported by experimental evaluation, methodological issues in the design and interpretation of experiments, the use of (meta-)heuristics, or application-driven case studies that deepen the understanding of the complexity of a problem.

Topics of interest

Contributions solicited cover a variety of topics including but not limited to:

Best Paper Award

The program committee will identify a submission as the best paper.


The conference proceedings will be published in the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), a series of high-quality conference proceedings across all fields in informatics established in cooperation with Schloss Dagstuhl Leibniz Center for Informatics. SEA Proceedings volumes are published according to the principle of OpenAccess, i.e., they are available online and free of charge.

Submission Guidelines

The authors should submit a paper not exceeding 12 pages, excluding the bibliography, the front page (title, keywords, abstract, ...), and a brief appendix of up to 5 pages (figures and tables should be counted as part of the space occupied by the appendix). This year, for the first time in ESA, all papers have to be anonymized so author names and affiliations cannot be included (see Double-Blind Reviewing section). Non-anonymized papers will be desk-rejected.

More precisely, you can see your paper as a set of four bins:
  • front page (can only contain title, front matter, abstract, possibly the beginning of the introduction: its "bin capacity" is 1 page)
  • main text (can contain text, tables, figures, pseudocodes: its "bin capacity" is 12 pages)
  • bibliography pages (can only contain bibliographic references: its "bin capacity" is approximately 2 pages)
  • additional pages (may contain text, tables, figures: its "bin capacity" is 5 pages)
It is up to the authors to assign text, figures, tables, and other elements in such a way as to respect the bin capacities.

Authors are required to use the LaTeX style file supplied for the LIPIcs style, without changing default values nor setting font size options in the "documentclass" statement (click here to access LIPICs instructions for authors and download the LaTex template). Final proceedings papers must be camera-ready in this format. We emphasize that a clearly marked Appendix of up to 5 pages, which will not count toward the 12 page submission limit, can be included and will be read at the referees' discretion. All submissions have to be made via the EasyChair submission page for the conference.

Papers submitted for review should represent original, previously unpublished work or surveys of important results. At the time the paper is submitted to SEA, and for the entire review period, the paper (or essentially the same paper) should not be under review by any other conference with published proceedings or by a scientific journal. At least one author of each accepted paper will be expected to attend the conference and present the paper. Specifically, no accepted paper will be published unless an author registers to participate in the conference.

Full papers must be submitted via EasyChair by: TBA
Authors will be notified of acceptance status by: TBA
Final version due: TBA

Double-Blind Reviewing

SEA will implement a double-blind review process for the first time. As such, submissions must not disclose the authors' identities in any way. In particular, names, affiliations, and email addresses must be excluded from the paper. Authors should reference their prior work in the third person (e.g., instead of writing "We build on our previous work...", they should write "This work builds on the research of..."). Authors should also take care of the anonymization of accompanying software and data. In particular, they cannot link software hosted on their own GitHub page, but they need to link it anonymously (for example, via DropBox). The authors can insert the public GitHub links back in the proceedings version of their papers.
Authors are free to share their ideas and drafts as they usually would. For instance, they can submit to repositories like arXiv or give talks on their research. If there are publicly accessible versions of the submission, authors may mention this in the submission (without including links or citations). Alternatively, they can inform the chairs, who will keep these details confidential unless sharing them is necessary for a fair review.

Double-blind reviewing aims to allow program committee members and external reviewers to evaluate the paper impartially, without bias. However, it's not intended to make determining the authors' identity impossible through investigation. Authors should not compromise the submission's quality or hinder the review process in the name of anonymity; thus, key references must not be omitted or anonymized. Any authors with questions about the double-blind review process should contact the program committee chairs for clarification. All papers failing to meet anonymization requirements will be desk-rejected.

Large Language Models usage policy

Papers containing content generated by large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT or images created using deep generative models (DGMs) such as StableDiffusion are not allowed, except when the generated material is part of the paper's experimental analysis. However, this restriction does not prevent authors from using LLMs to edit or polish the text they have personally written.
Despite using LLMs or DGMs, authors remain fully responsible for ensuring their submissions' accuracy, originality, and quality. We urge authors to maintain the integrity of the academic publishing process and avoid any actions that could be considered scientific misconduct, such as plagiarism and misrepresenting figures.

If a submission includes LLM-generated text or DGM-generated images, we require the authors to disclose this information to the Program Chairs prior to the reviewing stage. If the Program Chairs should have concerns regarding potential scientific misconduct, the submission may be subjected to checks for plagiarism or other violations. Any papers failing to meet these requirements will be desk-rejected, even after the review process.

Submission and deadlines

Full papers must be submitted via EasyChair by: TBA
Authors will be notified of acceptance status by: TBA
Final version due: TBA

Final versions of accepted papers will be submitted to Dagstuhl's Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs). Details about the submission server will be communicated to corresponding authors of accepted papers.